Interested in joining our Board of Directors?
River Valley United Way welcomes Board applicants who live or work in Pope, Yell, or Johnson County, Arkansas. As a board member, you’ll be part of a team of dedicated volunteers who want to better the Arkansas River Valley's future for all who live and work here.
River Valley United Way is looking for board members who truly care about promoting human potential and uplifting those in need within our community. Aligned with this, United Way is working toward eliminating persistent disparities in our community, so everyone has the opportunity to thrive. River Valley United Way is committed to diversity and inclusion.
Follow steps 1 through 3 below to start your journey to community change through Board service.
We’re proud to have a robust United Way in the River Valley area. Each United Way is independent in its leadership and local in its focus, funding, and the organizations it supports. Board members support the work of River Valley United Way and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance.
While day-to-day operations are led by the Executive Director, the Board/Executive Director relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of all Board members is both critical and expected.
- Regularly attend board and committee meetings
- Make a serious commitment to participate actively in Board and committee work
- Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments, and complete them thoroughly and on time
- Stay informed about Board matters, prepare well for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports
- Get to know other Board members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus
- Be an active participant in the Board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts
- Participate in fundraising for the organization
- Make a financial donation to the organization that is significant to you and that reflects a commitment to the organization
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the Executive Director as s/he develops and implements River Valley United Way’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by River Valley United Way for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics
- Reviewing agenda and supporting materials before Board and committee meetings
- Approving River Valley United Way’s annual budget, reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to an annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director
- Assisting the Executive Director and Board Chair in identifying and recruiting other Board Members
- Partnering with the Executive Director and other board members to ensure that board resolutions are carried out
- Representing River Valley United Way to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization at events and in the community
- Ensuring River Valley United Way’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities River Valley United Way serves
- Term Lengths:
- Self-nominated members serve an initial one-year term. Upon completion of that term, they are eligible to serve a 3-year term with a maximum of two consecutive 3-year terms.
- Board-nominated members may serve an initial one or three-year term with a maximum of two consecutive 3-year terms.
- Board meetings are typically held monthly. Board members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings except when unavoidable conflicts exist.
- Committee meetings and additional full-Board meetings are held as needed to facilitate campaign planning and execution, and grant decision-making.
How Much Time Should You Dedicate To Board Work?
Board leadership takes time. The amount of time varies greatly by organization and circumstances, but simply planning to attend the board meetings is not sufficient. River Valley United Way Board members regularly review meeting materials & statements and attend committee and board meetings. Board members plan, prepare for, and work organization fundraisers and events. The average annual time commitment is 40-60 hours.
- Individuals must embrace River Valley United Way’s commitment to serve the local community.
- Candidates should have a commitment to equity and inclusion and to working towards the elimination of persistent disparities in our communities
- Ideal candidates will have leadership stature in business, government, education, and/or philanthropy, and a track record of community leadership
- Board members will demonstrate skills that enable them to collaborate with and attract other well-qualified, high-performing Board members
Do You Like to Collaborate with Others, or Do You Prefer to Work Alone?
Boards are teams of committed and engaged individuals who work together to govern the organization. Collaboration and accountability are key to an effective and united board. Board members can and do work independently to fulfill certain duties but always with the knowledge and approval of the other members as they work toward a common goal. If you prefer to work alone, then board service may not be the right way for you to work with the organization. Consider providing pro bono professional services or direct-service volunteering as alternatives.
- Regularly attend board and committee meetings
- Make a serious commitment to participate actively in Board and committee work
- Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments, and complete them thoroughly and on time
- Stay informed about Board matters, prepare well for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports
- Get to know other Board members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus
- Be an active participant in the Board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts
- Participate in fundraising for the organization
- Make a financial donation to the organization that is significant to you and that reflects a commitment to the organization
While board service can be an extremely rewarding experience and can greatly impact the organization, it may not be the right fit for you at this time of your life. To determine whether board service is right for you right now, answer the following:
I am interested in advancing a cause that I feel passionate about.
I am curious to delve into and learn about issues facing my community and the world.
I am interested in a new environment and experience to further develop myself as a leader.
I am interested in meeting people outside of my usual professional and social circles.
I understand the roles and responsibilities of being a board member.
I am comfortable making a personal financial contribution to the organization.
I can imagine asking others to contribute financially to a cause that I am passionate about.
I have enough autonomy in my schedule to accommodate board and committee meetings.
I am patient and collegial when working as a team.
I can commit the time necessary to be an exceptional board member.
If you answered more than two questions with a “No,” then you may want to consider other ways to get involved with an organization before joining the board, including:
As a volunteer, you may help with a special event, prepare meeting materials, etc. You are directly involved in helping the organization do its work rather than serving in a policy and oversight capacity. If you want a hands-on experience, direct-service volunteering may be your best bet.
Pro bono professional assistance is one of the primary benefits you can offer a nonprofit. Whether you are a social media or marketing manager, graphic designer, attorney, accountant, etc. your free-of-charge services are widely needed in organizations that otherwise would not be able to afford a high level of expertise.
Nonprofits form advisory groups to help with fundraising or outreach, supplement the board’s expertise, or provide direct contact with constituents, and many organizations invite non-board members to serve on some board committees.